Website Terms of Use

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Section 1
Preliminary provisions

1.    Konica Minolta E-Shop, available at the internet address, is run by Konica Minolta Business Solutions Polska spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Krakowiaków 44, 02-255 Warsaw, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 14th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000108685, having Tax Identification Number (NIP) 526-020-49-08 and Statistical Number (REGON) 002204072, with the share capital of PLN 5,323,500 (hereinafter referred to as "Konica Minolta”).
2.     These Regulations address Entrepreneurs and determine the rules and mode of concluding a Sales Contract with an Entrepreneur through the Shop.

Section 2

1.    Seller – Konica Minolta Business Solutions Polska spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Krakowiaków 44, 02-255 Warsaw, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 14th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000108685, having Tax Identification Number (NIP) 526-020-49-08 and Statistical Number (REGON) 002204072, with the share capital of PLN 5,323,500.

2.    Customer – every entity making a purchase through the Shop.
3.    Entrepreneur – a natural person, legal person and organisational unit without legal personality, whose legal capacity is granted under a separate statute, conducting business activity in its own name, who uses the Shop.
4.    Shop – an e-shop run by the Seller under the internet address
5.    Distance contract – a contract concluded with a Consumer under an organised distance contract conclusion system (as part of the Shop) without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, with the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication up to and including the time at which the contract is concluded.
6.    Regulations – these Shop regulations.
7.    Order – a declaration of will of the Customer submitted through an Order Form and leading directly to the conclusion of the Product(s) Sales Contract or ordering a Service with the Seller.
8.    Account – a customer account in the Shop where data provided by the Customer and information about Order placed by him/her in the Shop are collected.
9.    Registration Form – a form available in the Shop which allows setting up an Account.
10.    Order Form – an interactive form available in the Shop which allows placing an Order, in particular through adding Products to the Cart and determining the conditions of the Sales Contract, including delivery and payment methods.
11.    Cart – a Shop software item in which Products selected by the Customer for purchase are visible and there is a possibility of defining and modifying Order data, in particular the number of products.
12.    Product – a movable item/service serving as the subject of the Sales Contract between the Customer and the Seller.
13.    Sales Contract – a contract for the sales of a Product which is or has been concluded between the Customer and the Seller through the E-Shop. The Sales Contract shall also be understood as – according to the Product features – a services contract and a contract for specific work.

Section 3
Shop’s contact details

1.    Seller’s address: Konica Minolta Business Solutions Polska Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, with its registered office in Warsaw, ul. Krakowiaków 44, 02-255 Warszawa, 
2.    Seller’s e-mail address:
3.    Seller’s phone number: +48 608 095 880
4.    Seller’s bank account number: 28 1840 0007 2212 8720 0811 9819
5.    The Customer may communicate with the Seller through addresses and phone numbers provided in this section.
6.    The Customer may communicate with the Seller by phone during the following office hours: 8.00-16.00

Section 4
Technical requirements

The following are necessary to use the Shop, including to view the Shop’s assortment and place orders for Products:
a.    terminal equipment with access to the Internet and a web browser.
b.    an active e-mail account,
c.    cookie files enabled.

Section 5
General information

1.    To the largest extent permitted by law, the Seller shall bear no responsibility for disruptions, including interruptions, in the Shop operation caused by force majeure, unauthorised third party activity or incompatibility of the E-Shop with the Customer’s technical infrastructure. 
2.    Viewing the Shop’s assortment of products does not require setting up an Account. Placing orders for Products forming a part of the Shop’s assortment of products by the Customer is possible either after setting up an Account in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 of the Regulations or through providing necessary personal and address data that allow completing an Order without setting up an Account. 
3.     The prices in the Shop are expressed in Polish zlotys and as gross prices (VAT included).
4.    The final (ultimate) amount payable by the Customer comprises the price for the Product and the cost of delivery (including transport, dispatch and postal service fees), of which the Customer is notified on Shop pages while placing an Order, including at the moment of declaring will to be bound by the Sales Contract.
5.    In the case of a Contract covering the rendering of services for an indefinite period, the final (ultimate) price is the total price aggregating all payments in the settlement period.
6.    If the nature of the subject of the Contract does not allow, by reasonable judgement, for earlier calculation of the final (ultimate) price, the information about the price calculation method as well as transport, dispatch and postal service fees and other costs will be provided in the Shop in the Product description section.

Section 6
Setting up an Account in the Shop

1.    To set up an Account in the Shop it is necessary to fill in the Registration Form.
2.    Setting up an Account in the Shop is free of charge.
3.    Logging in to the Account takes place through providing login and password set in the Registration Form.
4.    It is possible for the Customer, at all times, without stating a reason and without incurring any fees on that account, to remove the Account through sending a relevant request to the Seller, in particular through e-mail or in writing to the addresses provided in Section 3.

Section 7
Principles of Order placement

To place an Order, it is necessary to: 
1.    log into the Shop (optionally);
2.    select a Product intended as the subject of the Order, then click “Add to the Cart” button (or equivalent);
3.    log in or use the option of placing an Order without registration;
4.    if placing an Order without registration has been selected – fill in the Order Form through entering the Order recipient’s data and the address to which the Product is to be delivered, select the dispatch type (Product delivery method), enter the invoice data if different from the Order recipient’s data.
5.    click “Order and Pay” button / click “Order and Pay” button and confirm the order by clicking the link sent in the e-mail, 
6.    select one of the payment methods available and, depending on the payment method, pay for the order within a specified time limit, subject to Section 8(3).

Section 8
Delivery and payment methods offered

1.    The Customer may use one of the following methods of delivery or collection of the ordered Product:
a.    Postal service,
b.    Dispatch service,
2.    The Customer may use one of the following payment methods:
a.    Payment by bank transfer to the Seller’s account
b.    Payment by Przelewy24
c.    Payment by Blik
3. Detailed information concerning the delivery methods is provided on Shop pages with respect to Products or Services.

Section 9
Performance of the Sales Contract

1.    Conclusion of the Sales Contract between the Customer and the Seller shall take place following the previous placement of an Order by the Customer through the Order Form in the E-Shop, in accordance with Section 7 of the Regulations, and after the Customer has made a payment.
2.    Following the Order placement, the Seller shall promptly confirm its receipt and shall accept the Order for completion following the receipt of the payment. Confirmation of Order receipt and acceptance for completion shall take place through sending the Customer a relevant e-mail by the Seller to the Customer’s e-mail address provided while placing an Order, which contains at least the Seller’s representations on having received the Order, having received the payment and accepted the Order for completion and a confirmation of having concluded the Sales Contract. Upon the receipt of the abovementioned e-mail by the Customer, the Sales Contract between the Customer and the Seller is concluded. 
3.    The starting point of the period of Product delivery to the Customer shall be counted from the date of crediting the Seller’s bank account.
4.    Should the Customer select personal pick-up of the Product, the Product will be ready for collection by the Customer at a date indicated in the Product description. The Customer will be additionally notified by the Seller of the Product readiness for pick-up through sending a relevant e-mail to the Customer’s e-mail account provided while placing an Order.
5.    The Product delivery shall take place in the territory of Poland only.
6.    The delivery of the Product to the Customer is a paid service, unless the Sales Contract provides otherwise. The cost of Product delivery (including transport, dispatch and postal service fees) is indicated to the Customer on the E-Shop pages in the “Delivery Costs” tab and while placing an Order, including at the moment the Client declares will to be bound by the Sales Contract. 
11. Personal pick-up of the Product by the Customer is free of charge. 

Section 10
Right of withdrawal from a contract

1.    The Customer has the right to withdraw from the Sales Contract without giving any reason within 14 days.
2.    The starting point of the period set forth in paragraph 1 shall be the delivery of the Product to the Consumer or a person other than a carrier as indicated by the Customer.
3.    In the case of a Contract encompassing multiple Products which are delivered separately, in batches or in pieces, the period indicated in paragraph 1 shall run from the delivery of the last good, batch or piece.
4.    A Consumer may withdraw from the Contract by submitting a statement of withdrawal from the Contract to the Seller. To preserve the time limit for the withdrawal from the Contract it shall suffice that the Consumer sends a representation before the expiry of that time limit.
5.    The representation may be sent via traditional mail or by electronic means through sending the representation to the Seller’s e-mail address or submitting the representation on the Seller’s website – the Seller’s contact data are indicated in Section 3. 
6.    Effects of withdrawal from the Contract:
a.    In the event of withdrawal from a Distance Contract, the Contract shall be considered not to have been concluded.
b.    In the case of withdrawal from the Contract, the Seller shall reimburse, without delay, not later than within a period of 14 days from the date of the receipt of the Consumer’s representation on withdrawal from the Contract, all payments made by the Consumer, including the costs of delivering the goods, save for additional costs arising from the delivery method selected by the Consumer that is other than the cheapest regular delivery method offered by the Seller.
c.    The reimbursement shall be made by the Seller to the Consumer’s bank account.
d.    The Seller may withhold reimbursement until the receipt of the Product or the evidence of having sent back the Product, whichever comes earlier.
e.    The Consumer should promptly send the Product back to the Seller’s address provided in these Regulations, no later than within 14 days from the date of notifying the Seller of the withdrawal from the Contract. The time limit shall be preserved if the Consumer sends the Product back prior to the expiry of the 14-days’ time limit.
f.    The Consumer shall incur direct Product return costs as well as Product return costs if due to its nature the Product could not have been sent back by post in an ordinary manner.
g.    The Consumer shall only be liable for any diminished value of the Product resulting from using the goods in a manner different from what has been necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product.
9. If, due to the Product nature, it cannot be sent back by post in an ordinary manner, the information about this fact and the costs of Product return will be found in the Product description in the Shop.
10. The Consumer shall not have the right of withdrawal from a Distance Contract in the case of a Contract:
a.    whose object are non-prefabricated goods, made to the Consumer’s specifications or made for the purpose of meeting the Consumer’s individual needs,
b.    whose object are goods in sealed packaging which cannot be returned after the package has been opened due to health protection or for hygiene reasons, if the package has been opened after delivery,
c.    for services, where the Seller has fully provided the service with the Consumer’s prior express consent, where the Consumer has been informed before the performance has begun that they will lose their right of withdrawal from the Contract once the service has been provided by the Seller,
d.    in which the price or remuneration is dependent on fluctuations in the financial market which cannot be controlled by the Seller and which may occur before the end of the period for withdrawal from the Contract.

Section 11
Complaint and warranty

1.    The Sales Contract covers new Products.
2.    In the case a defect is found in the product purchased at the Seller, the Customer has the right to make a complaint based on the warranty regulations attached to the product.
3.    The parties exclude liability under the statutory warranty.
4.    If the Product is covered by warranty, the information about this fact and its content will be included at the Product description in the Shop. 

Section 12
Out-of-court complaint and redress mechanism

1.    Detailed information concerning the opportunity for the Customer to seek out-of-court complaint examination and redress methods as well as the rules of access to these procedures are available in offices and on websites of district (municipal) consumer advocates, social organisations statutorily tasked with the protection of consumers, Regional Inspectorates of Trade Inspection and at the following Internet addresses of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.

Section 13
Personal data in the E-Shop

1.    The Seller shall be the Controller of the personal data of Customers collected by the E-Shop.
2.    Personal data of Customers collected by the Controller through the E-Shop serve the purpose of executing the Sales Contract and, if the Customer agrees to it, for marketing purposes as well.
3.    Recipients of personal data of the E-Shop Customers can include: 
a.    As regards a Customer who uses the post or courier dispatch option in the E-Shop, the Controller makes the Customer’s personal data collected available to a selected carrier or intermediary organising dispatches by the Controller’s order.
b.    As regards a Customer who uses the electronic payment or card payment in the E-Shop, the Controller makes the Customer’s personal data collected available to a selected entity handling the abovementioned payments in the E-Shop. 
4. The Customer has a right to access the data and to correct them.
5. Provision of personal data is voluntary; however, failure to provide personal data necessary for the conclusion of the Sales Contract indicated in the Regulations results in the lack of possibility to conclude the Contract in question. 

Section 14
Final provisions

1. Contracts concluded by the E-Shop are in Polish.
2. The Seller reserves the right to amend the Regulations for urgent reasons, i.e.: amendments to the law, changes in the payment and delivery methods – to the extent these changes influence the implementation of the provisions of these Regulations. The Seller shall notify the Customer of each amendment at least 7 days in advance.
3. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the generally applicable provisions of the Polish law shall apply.